Welcome to The Revolution Room!!!! The purpose of this blog is for you and me to share what God has done and is currently doing in our lives. This is a place to reveal where God has taken us out of so that others who read this can understand that the same way He did it with us, He can also do it with them. So let’s get this going!!!!!! TALK TO ME!

What Now?

Posted by The Revolution Room On 12:24 AM
Isn't it crazy that for some reason living in God's purpose always requires us to do something that we do not want to do or to stop doing things that we actually like to do? You know what I'm talking about... That... Yeah That... That thing that we really don't want to let go of! God would never fully take us where he wants to take us until we totally submit to him. He's defenetly calling us to give him everything. Not just when we're at group, or at mass, but every where we go.

Today at Group Celines spoke about all the things she had to let go to follow her purpose. To be able to be what God wanted her to be she needed to leave her past behind and start new with Jesus. How about you? Have you had to let go of anything to follow Jesus? Friends? Drugs? Sex? Alcohol? I know I did... Let me know what's up?! Talk to me!


10 Response to 'What Now?'

  1. Christy Said,
    http://therevolutionroom.blogspot.com/2009/05/what-now.html?showComment=1243431182416#c3425006890274106334'> May 27, 2009 at 9:33 AM

    I think the hardest part about submitting has been changing the way I think. That's something only God can do.My entire life I was thinking that the point was supposed to be for me to be happy and I would get so frustrated when I was not able to get to that point. Really understanding that life is not about me and my happiness or my issues has been hard. God has to remind me all the time to stop focusing so much on me. I had to let go of being self-centered.


  2. Chanel Said,
    http://therevolutionroom.blogspot.com/2009/05/what-now.html?showComment=1243434782973#c184849442097370788'> May 27, 2009 at 10:33 AM

    AMEn,I think one of the HARDEST things for those who want live a christian lifestyle is letting Go. Dude when i was starting to walk in the path,i would tell my self,this aint that bad,i mean i could be doing something way worst. but the truth was that th smallest things are as bad as the big ones. I realized that when we start doing things that are pleasing to God, he begins to reveal to us how great he is, so our hearts cant handle living that double life anymore... Lets do things that are pleasing to GOD.

    GoD BleSS Soldiers


  3. Jocelyn Said,
    http://therevolutionroom.blogspot.com/2009/05/what-now.html?showComment=1243447826898#c6138323271044752931'> May 27, 2009 at 2:10 PM

    Oh I'm going to keep it real like my brothers and sisters in Christ... The hard thing for me (aside from taking my thoughts captive and making them obey Christ; in addition to letting go) is to look around me and see who else is doing “it”. I loved using the excuse that: it’s not fair; no one else is doing it. Why should I have to be different?! Why should I have to be the first one to let things go and change the way I think?! Why do I have to lead, why can’t I follow? ...And that’s when Jesus said to me - Am I not enough? If I did it, can’t you follow me? ... And since I was still NOT getting it, I was forced to answer the question – what happens when those around you start walking the walk that they have been talking for so long??? And thus I was forced to make a decision – either live with Christ or “live” with sin. The crazy thing for me about yesterday’s group was that Celine’s said that she saw her gifts and talents as beautiful and that made my heart stop. To be honest I always saw my vocation as a duty, a responsibility, a share in Christ’s suffering and His promise, a blessing … but beautiful? Crazy that God would want us to see the true beauty in our purpose… and to see the true beuty in the purpose of those who surround us! Thank you Lord.


  4. RocFer21 Said,
    http://therevolutionroom.blogspot.com/2009/05/what-now.html?showComment=1243483580700#c2123247120663759138'> May 28, 2009 at 12:06 AM

    Jocelyn!!!! YOU ARE ON FIRE!!!!"Taking my thoughts captive and making them obey Christ; in addition to letting go" That’s exactly what I have been battling with...well put sierva! I was reflecting earlier today and I wrote a blog on yesterdays JDV and Celines and her testimony:

    I Get Out

    These past few days my thoughts have been haunting me, I've been feeling like a prisoner in my own mind. I have been yearning for His loving grace and discernment but the more I prayed the more unworthy I felt.

    I was blessed yesterday to hear the beautiful testimony of our sister in Christ, Celines as she spoke about all the things she had to let go of to follow her purpose. After hearing how pure of heart God made her, how pure her love Is for Him it left me with no other choice but to reflect on this idea that God's undying love for us is all we need to be happy, and His love is all we need to feel complete. I need to learn that when I let his love consume me, my desires will change, my wants and needs will change.

    So why am I complicating my life. For God this is so simple. I have the control in what I let consume me. Either I let my thoughts consume me or I let Gods love Consume me!

    So I'm declaring today that I GET OUT( as per lauryn hills song)!!! http://rocfer21.blogspot.com/2009/05/i-get-out.html


  5. http://therevolutionroom.blogspot.com/2009/05/what-now.html?showComment=1243518839442#c7497726690573797542'> May 28, 2009 at 9:53 AM

    Its amazing as i think about the feast of Pentecost which is about to happen. Hope you Ready !

    Well as I study scripture I see a pattern here. Well first John comes along telling people to repent to turn away from sin and give their lives to Jesus. Then Jesus pops in the scene. Thats right baby!The one he was speaking about without any formal introduction jeje, but then he is called to baptize Jesus and this baptism iniciates his ministry and of course youll know the rest.

    Now lets look at Jesus now preparing his disciples for the same baptism telling them to repent, to turn away, to leave everything and everyone. Is it then that we cannot recieve the fullness of the fire unless we let go of those things?

    That seems to be the requirement. So... Can we? Can I? Yes I can!! For so many years sin and I were best pals we were lving la vida loca, but had no idea that in fact it was la vida loca.

    Sin is like a stalker girlfriend or boyfriend dont wanna get into any problems lol. It does not wanna go away. Tu le habla bien, le habla recio y el malvao no se quiere ir, but we have recieved this baptisim that gives us victory over our temptations and sinful nature.

    So in preparation for the "Feast of Fire" i would suggest to follow the pattern Repent and turn away for all that creates a wall from God and yourself.

    I thank God for allowing us such a forum as this to speak and let it all out.

    Well.. See you soon!!

    Peace and Grace

    David Bisono


  6. Miniely JDV Said,
    http://therevolutionroom.blogspot.com/2009/05/what-now.html?showComment=1243525101813#c6809139358132800780'> May 28, 2009 at 11:38 AM

    Man, I think the hardest thing I had to let go of was my pride, anger, and resentment. God told to forgive, especially myself. You know I had ths misconception that I don't need to forgive this person, for what, the people that have ruined my world? Please if anything they need to come to me an ask for forgiveness and I will think about forgiving them but I wont forgive them like that. I remember telling God He was crazy. I was the crazy one! I lived with that burden, that anger, that hatred, that resentment for 10 years without any thoughts of changing them. I built a fortress around it until God placed a mirror in my fortress and I had no choice but to look at myself and contemplate. I had to forgive myself first before forgiving others because if not, then forgiving others would have meant nothing to me. God is so amazing and so crazy that He helped me break that fortress down and when it was all torn down, I was able to be a voice in the desert screaming "Make way for Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!" Praise the name of Jesus!!!


  7. http://therevolutionroom.blogspot.com/2009/05/what-now.html?showComment=1243574818135#c7330676372253219840'> May 29, 2009 at 1:26 AM

    amen woow es muy impresionate como Dios actua en nuestra vida es como un hermano que me dice dios actua en nosotros aveces de una manera ridicula ahora volviendo al tema realmente es dificil si pero a lo largo en que tu te vas integrado y te vas construyendo ya tu ni le da mente a esos gusto de amigos que te llevan amla camino de la s drogas de cualquie cosa en la vida de tu gusta ya como lo que dice celine en su tesmonio ser famosa y llevarser el mundo con ella y ahora lo es pero con el señor ahora te digo asi en mi caso yo tenia mucho gusto en el cual me dejaba llevar y segui todo lo que me daba el mundo pero ahi es que Dios le gusta entrar en nuestra vida y ya despues de que Dios entra en tu vida lo demas ya lo vez lejo de que tus gustos siempre van estar ahi pero ponte a pensar algo tu eres el unico que vas a decir en llevarte por tu gusto o perder esa bendicion y ese plan que tiene Dios contigo en tu vida en todo caso siempre ahi que hacer la voluntad de Dios no la volundad que tu deseas y aun asi veras como DIos se manifiesta muy grande en tu vida bueno que Dios me lo bendiga siempre y sorry a los que no entienden español


  8. Anonymous Said,
    http://therevolutionroom.blogspot.com/2009/05/what-now.html?showComment=1243626640460#c8102450800761839707'> May 29, 2009 at 3:50 PM

    This room is on FIRE! Well, as I was walking in the dark path and the light was starting to blind me, I realized that they were things I needed to let go of in order for God to bless me and do His work on me. One of the things I needed to let go happened about 10 years ago, when I used to be very angry with my parents and for no serious reason other than for them to just love me. I wanted more than just a hot meal on the table and a roof over my head, I wanted the real love. I grew angry and upset, until God came to my life and told me that the only love I needed was His, and that if I want things to be better with my parents, I needed to let go of my pride and anger. Even as I began to let go, my parents still were angry and upset about how I have treated them. I guess you can't fight fire with fire, or hate with hate. Hate is fought with love, and love is what I gave to my parents until I broke down one day because I felt it wasn't working. God lifted me up, and brushed me off. I continued to show them that love. Today, I hold a very good relationship with my parents through God's glory. Although my parents are not as close to God as I would want them to be, I still show them that God love. Of course, there are some imperfections, but who's perfect? I would have never understood why I was so angry then, but I realized what my faults were through God's revelation. If you have pride and anger in your life, I pray that you will turn to God and turn away from pride and anger. It cannot be done alone. God needs to be there with you. God's love is what you need. The love of people can fail you, but God's love will prevail.

    Stay blessed everyone :)


  9. sammy Said,
    http://therevolutionroom.blogspot.com/2009/05/what-now.html?showComment=1243891626355#c4272759943898012598'> June 1, 2009 at 5:27 PM



  10. Elaine Said,
    http://therevolutionroom.blogspot.com/2009/05/what-now.html?showComment=1244037091923#c2030363495380289223'> June 3, 2009 at 9:51 AM

    Ephesians 2:10 says that we are Gods workmanship

    If this is the case, if we truly are God’s masterpiece, then why don’t I feel like it…

    There are definitely things in my life that don’t need to be there, and are up to me with the strength of Jesus to remove, they must be removed if I am ever to live up to the high standards of being God’s Sistine Chapel.

    This is what came to mind when I read this blog about letting go of things of things in my life that don’t come from God, that don’t bear fruit. Most times I feel like I bear no fruit, I do good, but I also do bad, and this is when I don’t feel like I am God workmanship….and it sucks because I know how great it is to be on God’s path, to be free and at peace…its sweeet! But sure enough, the time comes when I fall off the bandwagon….consistency, I guess, is my issue.

    Trust is another, I don’t expect from people, I suppose I grew tired of expecting, and rightfully so, I guess, I shouldn’t have ever expected another (entity) to really accept me, to love me, to care for me. I guess that’s pretty harsh to say…but I expect very little from others, and try not to depend on them at all.

    The reason I mention this, is because sometimes I translate this feeling to God, I become so wrapped up in madness that, I feel like, I stop expecting things from God. I won’t expect God to bless me because of x,y,z reason. In fact I become pretty convinced that he wont bless me because of how unfaithful I’ve been.

    This is childish, this naïve mindset I sometimes get myself in, because in the right hand corner of my brain, my logical side tells me and knows that it isn’t true, that God does love me, that God is always there, and that I do need to depend on Him. Nonetheless, it’s a feeling that I get, and much in the way that water slips through your fingers, I feel like I can’t help it. And more often than not, its when I’ve been far away from God, whether it be in my thoughts or my actions. Also when I step away from the Word. When I’m into it, I’m raptured by it, fascinated even. But when I’m off, I can barely pick up the bible, and that’s sad, cuando la palabra viva de dios no te atrai. That’s when I know I’m really in the hole. But God’s promise always holds true, despite our “feelings” and our mood swings, even when we make our bed in the fires of hell, God comes and rescues us. For that, I am always thankful.

    So I leave you with this, wow, this little blog entry served as a bit of therapy for me…anyway…I guess the things I struggle with are keeping God at the core of everything I do, cause as I can see, its very easy to fall off, and begin to feel like blah, and that’s what life is like without God in it...its like a big heavy batch of blah….

    Ladies and gentlemen, don’t u dare bake ya’ cookies out of blah….use blessings! And you will see how God will mold you into His original masterpiece.

    I’ve rambled beyond measure, peace out shawtys, lol



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